Saturday, October 1, 2016

Introduction {it happened on a sunday} Day 1

"By the seventh day, God had finished the work he'd been doing, so on the seventh day, He rested from all His work.  Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy."  Genesis 2:2-3

For thousands of years, Jews have celebrated the Sabbath, stopping their work as the sun sets on Friday and resting all day Saturday.  They follow the example of the Creator, who took a day each week to pause, to stop, to enjoy what He'd made.  Somewhere along the way, the Christians came along and claimed Sundays as the holy Sabbath day, rewriting the Creation story to fit a new system of belief.

In thinking about the encounters and experiences and people who have impacted my faith journey, it struck me that a number of significant moments occurred on Sundays.  Not only is Sunday the day of the week that Christians around the world gather for communal worship, it is also the day Jesus rose from the dead and offered the free gift of salvation to the world.  So it is both personal and universal, and seems like the perfect day to anchor this blog series.

Over the next 31 days, I'll share stories from my past and the moments that have contributed to who I am today.  I'm excited to put together this collection of memories, and a little nervous to reveal something so intensely personal and special to the world.  My hope is that each person reading my blog this month will do so with openness and love.  My ultimate desire is not to change your mind, but to encourage you to reflect on your own life, your own beliefs, and consider what has contributed to where you find yourself today.

Thanks for visiting!

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