Friday, December 14, 2012

2012 A Year of Lists

Don't you just love end of the year lists?  Top 100 songs...The best books of the Year...even Facebook will helpfully remind you of your top events from the past year (how do they decide that? the most comments on a status? frequently used words?).  So here's a very lazy post comprising of my own lists...

Favorite TV shows I started watching in 2012
*not necessarily shows that were new this year
1. The Mindy Project
2. Smash
3. The Guild
4. Downton Abbey
5. Raising Hope

My Biggest Moments of the Year, that most likely never were posted to Facebook
1. Finalizing our adoption
2. Joining Family Village
3. Finding a new resource and reassurance from Mommy Bloggers
4. Taking my family to Texas for the first time
5. Sending my oldest baby to school all-day!

Biggest moments for the Kids, therefore amazing moments I got to witness
1. Two fully potty-trained kids!
2. James and Winston both starting to read
3. All of baby's firsts, from crawling to saying "mama" to walking!
4. First plane trip (which really was their first 4 plane trips)
5. Expanding communication that led to beautiful exchanges between me and my children...and also some really annoying arguments.

0...Number of hospital bills for the year!
1...Number of nights we slept soundly with no kids in the house.
3...Number of foster parent training classes I took.
9...Number of mice we killed in our own home...eww!!
25..Number of tomatoes I grew off just one plant this past summer...up from 7 the previous year.
365...Number of days I went to bed completely blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea - what a great way to round out the year :)
