Monday, August 11, 2014


Lately, our church has been focused on callings.  Our pastor distributed wood blocks and told us to place the blocks in our place of calling, or with the people we are called to, and take a picture.  This is where we are to serve.  This is where we are to behave as Jesus.  This is where we are ministers and mentors and mothers.

What strikes me about callings is that we all have them.  Yes, even sitting at the computer late at night, you who identifies as atheist or agnostic or secular humanist, you who wonders if you have any purpose at all.  God is calling YOU.  Because you have worth.  You have a unique perspective.  Your calling is the sum total of your life experiences.

When you see injustice and your heart burns...God is calling you.

When you see people hurting and your heart breaks...God is calling you.

When you see what COULD BE and your heart races...God is calling you.

God is calling you to do what?  Sometimes God calls you to stand.  He says, "GET UP!"  He makes a path and he asks you to walk it with Him.  The church can spend all day talking, but God wants action.  He wants you to be uncomfortable.  He wants you to do something new.  He wants your skills and your passion and your potential.

Sometimes God calls you to sit.  Yes, really.  The human body was not made to stand indefinitely.  At some point we all need to take a rest.  So SIT DOWN.  Let someone take their turn to stand.  Pass the baton.  We mistake sitting as something to be ashamed of.  God wants you to sit with your children and color a picture.  God wants you to sit at a table and feed His people.  God wants you to sit and rest for the next season.

Sometimes God calls you to kneel.  At some point, we all must bow before Him.  Before you can sit, before you can stand, you have to KNEEL.  You have to surrender your right to be right, your selfishness, your comfortable hole in the ground.  You have to give it all up to answer the call.  God doesn't ask us to kneel to humiliate us.  On our knees, we don't find degredation.  No, we find a Father who loves us, who lifts us off the ground and seats us at the place of honor.  Once we kneel, we find celebration, a glimpse of what the world can be when all of us are living our calling. 

Imagine if we all lived our purpose.  Imagine if we all acted on the calling and set the world right.  What would you be doing?

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