Friday, January 1, 2016

Word of the Year: 2016

For the past year, I've focused on my habits.  I wanted to become a healthier, more productive version of myself.  I think I've succeeded.  I changed calendars with my 6 year old last night, and felt good about ending 2015.  Then I lay in bed, listening to my neighbors set off their second round of fireworks (the first were around 8:30, apparently someone was too impatient to wait for midnight).  And I thought about what word should weave itself through the coming year.
Healthy eating

Something I've learned by changing my habits is VALUE:  the value of a glass of water over a can of Coke, the value of powering my body to run a 5K, the value of organizing my home, the value of creating something rather than consuming it.  As I sought to clean up my eating, I found that I had more energy.  That energy helped me to be more consistent with workouts, and actually following through with my Couch to 5K running program.  The time I spent running allowed me to listen to podcasts and think through ideas, which helped when I sat down to finish writing my second novel.  And I would probably still be procrastinating (instead of writing) if I hadn't joined a Clutter Free group and changed my desk from a general dump to a productive workspace.
Organizing and Unloading

I found that I have enough if I use what I have wisely.  There is enough space in our house (just under 1200 square feet) for a family of five, including 3 active and growing boys if we use the space correctly.  This means throwing away or donating most of the boxes in our basement to create a bike path for the kids to ride through the cold winter months.  It means sorting toys and storing them better.  It meant I finally had to take my clothes out of the closet in the boys' room (which had previously been Chris and my room) so that their stuff could fit and be accessible.  My project for the coming year in this area is going to start by sorting out the part of the master bedroom I didn't get to last year, so that we can reorganize our spare room into a bedroom for Mikey, and finally convert what has been a nursery for the past 8 years into a homework room and office space.  I was amazed with my decluttering project of 2015 at how I just have to convert what is already here into a useable space, instead of browsing real estate listings online and imagining myself in a new house.

Similarly, I wanted to make some changes for my body and overall health.  I had fallen into a pattern of dealing with the stress of caring for young children by eating lots of sugar and chili cheese fries, and yet I felt like I was losing my temper too much and just exhausted by life.  Now, maybe my children aging a few years has also contributed to the peace I've found this past year, but I'm guessing that using relaxation methods like exercise and meditation have also played their part.  So much has changed since I chose to stay home with my baby nearly nine (what?!) years ago.  I can sleep through the night, no one gets their nourishment from my body anymore, and for the first time, all my kids are enrolled in school.  The stop-gap measures I used in the past needed to go, and a new, healthier mom was able to emerge.  I didn't spend a bunch of money to get in shape.  I used a Jillian Michaels DVD ($7, purchased 2 years ago), hand weights ($5, also purchased 2 years ago), a Couch to 5K phone app ($5, purchased several years ago), new running sneakers and a few new shorts/tops (under $100 total).  And then I ate real food, purchased from the same grocery store that sells me Doritos and Coke and Zebra Cakes.  I drank water, which is way cheaper than pop, and vegetables that are less expensive than processed crap.  There's no secret or magic to getting in shape; you just lace up your shoes and get your butt out the door.

Through being more thoughtful and aware, I feel like I was able to be a better mom and wife.  This is good, because my kids are getting old enough to remember things like how I treat them and what we do for fun.  They've always made me more active than I want to be, but this year I felt like I was more present and able to think ahead and prepare for our adventures.  Instead of dreading summer break and bemoaning the days as the kids are stuck on screens, I made a plan of action, daily activities and places we would go to make our summer fun.  We had designated hours for watching TV and playing video games, and the rest of the time was spent playing outside or reading books or creating pictures. There was a time when I could only write when my children were asleep, but now I can get my work done while they're at school (mostly).  I still get angry, I still need to work on what I can control (my reaction), but I definitely feel like I've made progress, like the time I spend with my family has increased in value.
Making memories at the Magic Kingdom

So here's the goal for 2016:  bring value to my life.  Value my own body and mind enough to care for it properly.  Value my family by giving them my best, which includes attention and teaching and creating special memories.  Value my home by making it a place that everyone feels welcome, and making space for what our family needs.  Value my work by giving it time and consistent attention.  Value my community and the world by contributing to what makes it better, whether it is by continuing as a foster parent or possibly getting involved with child welfare in another role, whether it is financial contributions to organizations that are already making a difference or volunteering my time in some way.

How about you?  Do you make New Year's Resolutions or Goals?  Do you have a word for 2016?

1 comment:

  1. What a good word! And way to go on all you accomplished in 2015!
